Most people have heard of sterling silver and some know this is different to pure silver. But there are many other types of silver alloys used in the jewelry making. Some have silver in the name but nothing in the composition!
Silver in its purest form is too soft for use in jewelry and can get damaged or change shape quickly. As a result, it’s alloyed with other metals to make it harder and more durable. The color of silver is also highly valued, so sometimes you’ll come across alloys that look like silver but are made of other metals altogether.
All these types are used in jewelry, so knowing the differences can help you make informed choices when purchasing.Here’s a quick rundown of the different types of silver used in jewelry.
Silver has always played somewhat of a second fiddle to gold as a precious metal. Silver has been prized as a beautiful, dazzling metal for thousands of years, at times valued even more highly than gold. Silver jewelry produced in antiquity was rarely 100% pure silver, and this remains true today. Most silver used in jewelry is alloyed (mixed) with other metals.